Application Details
I am applying from outside the United States, is there a time on April 15 when applications need to be submitted?
Yes. All applications must be submitted by April 15, 2020 at 11:59pm EST/Washington DC time.
In what languages are applications accepted?
All applications must be submitted in English. We are unable to accept applications in any other language.
Who are the judges and how will you judge the applications?
The evaluation committee will be HRH2030 team members from both the Washington D.C. and field offices. All applications will be scored against the set evaluation criteria, as outlined in the request for applications on page 6.
If I start the application online and am interrupted, does it save? Can I go back and continue or will I need to start again?
You may work on your application intermittently; your answers will be saved.
Does one have to explain what the prize will be used for on the application?
You will need to explain how your approach supports or will support health worker resilience.
Is the individual application different from the organization one?
No, there is one application which is the same for both individuals and organizations.
What are the criteria and needs for submission?
You can read more about the eligibility criteria in our request for applications and also look at our FAQs.