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August 2021

In May 2020, HRH2030 published a technical report, National Family Planning Guidelines in 10 Countries: How they align with current evidence and WHO recommendations on task sharing and self-care. The report, phase one of the task sharing research, explored the extent to which 10...

This week, we observe International Youth Day, the United Nations’ annual commemoration to draw attention to youth-focused issues. We have been talking about the potential of youth in health careers for quite a while, and so I’m pleased to (re)share here our brief published...

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to put a strain on countries’ health systems, obtaining accurate information about the health workforce is necessary for an effective, data-driven pandemic response as well as maintaining quality, essential services. In many Pacific Island countries, incomplete data collection and...

On July 13th and 20th, 2021, HRH2030, USAID, and Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) hosted online trainings on Health Workforce Management and Data Systems: A Focus on Pacific Island Countries and Health System Resilience. This two-part training series was created for health...