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July 2018

Video (June 25, 2018, short/2:35, long/6:17): On June 25, HRH2030 facilitated a national event in Jordan to promote women’s leadership in the health sector. At the event, HRH2030 disseminated its recent research on “Barriers and Enablers of Women’s Career Progression to Management Positions in...

As countries scale up access to HIV services, they will need to consider how to overcome human resources for health (HRH) constraints — including competing demands for health workers’ time — and to secure adequate, predictable funding for the HIV workforce. Ministries of health...

While Uganda is on track to meet 90-90-90 targets by 2020, the country faces several human resources for health (HRH) and financing constraints to scaling-up HIV services. Some of the health workforce challenges include inadequate skills mix, maldistribution, and a 36 percent vacancy rate...

Botswana, as one of the countries most affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, was among the first to embrace community-centered primary health in the late 1970s. However, despite noteworthy progress in reducing HIV-related mortality and morbidity owing to the spirited antiretroviral therapy (ART) program launched...

Webinar (August 2, 2018, 56 min): To achieve 95-95-95 targets for HIV epidemic control, facilities and other HIV service delivery points (e.g., communities) need to provide efficient and effective services to ensure that people living with HIV know their status, receive and sustain antiretroviral...

This post originally appeared on the Chemonics blog. How can the global health community better reach marginalized HIV-positive populations? A different approach to service delivery and care could help achieve epidemic control around the world. Erin Owens explains. Although the global health community is making great...

Given anticipated human resources for health (HRH) constraints and the need for greater shared financial responsibility for HIV in an era of HIV scale-up, it is critical to understand government capacity and willingness to increase and maximize the efficiency of investments in HRH for...

In partnership with USAID through PEPFAR, HRH2030 has developed a simple, standardized, client-centered tool to help program managers maximize the use of their health workforce for the rollout of “Test and Start” utilizing differentiated service delivery (DSD) models. The tool allows for task shifting/sharing,...

The adoption of “Test and Start” to accelerate the achievement of the 95-95-95 goals has increased the number of clients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). In many high HIV burden countries, this rapid increase requires the adoption of streamlined service delivery approaches to combat potential...

While Uganda is on track to meet 90-90-90 targets by 2020, the country faces several human resources for health (HRH) and financing constraints. HRH constraints include inadequate skills mix, maldistribution of health workers, high absenteeism, and a 36 percent vacancy rate in public facilities....