30 Apr HRH2030 Releases Enhanced HRH Optimization Tool for ART
HRH2030 has released an updated version of the Human Resources for Health (HRH) Optimization Tool for Antiretroviral Therapy (HOT4ART). The enhanced version enables health facility managers and health program planners to more rapidly estimate HRH requirements for various differentiated service delivery (DSD) models, including how rapid scale up of multi-month dispensing can offset dramatic staffing reductions or diversions, such as those during a public health emergency like COVID-19.
HOT4ART is an Excel-based tool that helps to identify and address staffing gaps by showing decision-makers the impact of reorganizing service delivery on the workforce. These gaps can be effectively addressed by sharing tasks among cadres and by offering stable HIV clients models of care that better meet their needs and offer quality services while requiring fewer interactions with health facilities. Originally developed in 2018 with funding from PEPFAR, the tool was designed to help health facility staff and district health management teams optimize their health workforce for the roll-out of “Test and Start” policies.
Since the tool was field tested and launched in Côte d’Ivoire, South Africa, and Zambia in 2018, it has been taken up by health teams and facilities in Malawi and Indonesia. In response to feedback from newer users, HRH2030 has made several enhancements to streamline the user experience and ensure more rapid results. The enhanced adaptations include a greatly simplified user interface and minimal data entry to rapidly assess the HRH impact of staffing changes or scaling up DSD models such as six-month multi dispensing.
The tool is available in English, French, and Bahasa Indonesia. Learn more and download the tool here.