25 Jun Toolkit: Optimizing Health Worker Performance and Productivity to Achieve the 95-95-95 Targets
To achieve 95-95-95 targets, facilities and other HIV service delivery points (e.g., communities) will need to provide efficient and effective services to ensure that people living with HIV know their status, receive and sustain antiretroviral therapy, and achieve viral suppression by 2030. A key resource in this process, among other system factors, is the health workforce.
In partnership with USAID through PEPFAR, HRH2030 has developed this toolkit to build capacity of technical assistance providers and managers at the service delivery level. It contains a suite of existing tools and resources to address site-level health workforce performance and productivity problems impacting HIV service delivery.
The toolkit is organized according to the process steps for optimizing health worker performance and productivity to fill service delivery gaps and achieve 95-95-95 targets. The goal is to ensure that interventions address the underlying root causes of workforce problems and not just surface issues. The toolkit is designed so that each step stands on its own and can be used either independently or in a stepwise fashion.
Associated Content:
Facilitator Guide, Facilitator Slides
Country: Global
Resource Type: Tool
Topic: HIV/AIDS, Performance and productivity