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Presentation: Putting Data in Indonesia Health Workers’ Pockets to Support COVID-19 Response

Presentation: Putting Data in Indonesia Health Workers’ Pockets to Support COVID-19 Response

Click on the image above to watch the session’s recording.

On May 5, 2021, HRH2030 participated in the Global Digital Development Forum 2021. “Putting Data in Indonesia Health Workers’ Pockets to Support COVID-19 Response” was an interactive session on leveraging existing information systems and engaging stakeholders at all levels of the health system to improve the availability and use of data for evidence-based decision making that support and protect health workforce. The presenters highlighted HRH2030 and Ministry of Health’s approaches in Indonesia of using HRIS business intelligence to develop dynamic dashboards for decision makers and a mobile HRIS that allows health workers to manage their own data. They also shared the impact of investment in digital health interventions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, including lessons learned for others that can be utilized when planning for a digital health intervention for health workforce.


  • Leah McManus, Indonesia Technical Lead, HRH2030, Chemonics [Moderator]
  • Trisa Wahjuni Putri, Secretary of Human Resources for Health Empowerment and Development Agency, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Mawari Edy, Head of the Program and Information Division, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Timor Utama, Head of Data and Information Subdivision, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Aditya Bayu Sasmita, Developer, Data and Information Subdivision, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Taufiq Sitompul, ICT Manager, HRH2030, Chemonics


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Country: Indonesia

Resource Type: Presentations

Topic: HRIS and health workforce data