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Family planning

HRH2030 is excited to announce its upcoming participation at the International Conference on Family Planning in Kigali, Rwanda! The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) brings together the family planning community to share best practices, celebrate successes, and plan a way forward towards overcoming...

HRH2030 and USAID’s Office of Population and Reproductive Health developed a global gender-competency framework for family planning service providers to improve gender-awareness in health workers. This second edition includes many updates like examples from Ethiopia and the Philippines....

The Training Resource Package for Family Planning (TRP) contains curriculum components, resources, and tools needed to program, design, implement, and evaluate training in family planning. It provides a valuable set of openly accessible resources for trainers, supervisors, and program managers around the globe. USAID,...

Webinar (April 26, 2018, 51 min): To best serve the health needs of communities, managers should align the maternal and child health, family planning, HIV/AIDS, and other primary healthcare competencies of providers with the needs and demands of the populations served. Alignment of competencies...

To best serve the health needs of communities, managers should align the maternal and child health, family planning, HIV/AIDS, and other primary healthcare competencies of providers with the needs and demands of the populations served. Alignment of competencies and skills ensures that health workers...