Notice: Function WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly. The $l10n parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use the wp_add_inline_script() function instead. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.7.0.) in /home2/hrhtwoze/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6078

Performance and productivity

In many ways, a fully functioning health workforce drives the well-being of communities, regions, and entire countries. Policy-makers at the national level can use reliable data to make decisions about where and what type of health workers are needed based on population health needs....

With funding from PEPFAR, HRH2030 supported application of the PEPFAR Site-Level HRH Assessment methodology developed by the interagency PEPFAR HRH Technical Working Group (TWG). The assessment is meant to help identify areas for further investigation and intervention to ensure adequate staffing to reach 90-90-90...

With funding from PEPFAR, HRH2030 supported application of the PEPFAR Site-Level HRH Assessment methodology developed by the interagency PEPFAR HRH Technical Working Group (TWG). The assessment is meant to help identify areas for further investigation and intervention to ensure adequate staffing to reach 90-90-90...

With funding from PEPFAR, HRH2030 supported application of the PEPFAR Site-Level HRH Assessment methodology developed by the interagency PEPFAR HRH Technical Working Group (TWG). The assessment is meant to help identify areas for further investigation and intervention to ensure adequate staffing to reach 90-90-90...

HRH2030 developed an orientation presentation for Jordan Ministry of Health employees. This presentation details the Ministry’s vision and mission, core values, history, strategic goals, organizational structure, and principles. The presentation also provides information on the qualifications of each Ministry employee cadre, patient’s rights, employees’ rights,...

For any service organization, the most important source of performance feedback is its clients. Developed by HRH2030 in Jordan, this document outlines a systematic and efficient approach to collecting reliable information about client expectations and perceptions. This low-cost, sustainable approach can help leaders at the ministry of health,...

The identification and use of professional competencies supports good performance, establishes clear performance expectations, guides performance evaluations, and sets a clear path for professional development. Developed by the HRH2030 activity in Jordan in collaboration with multiple stakeholders, this document presents a list of core...