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In partnership with USAID through PEPFAR, HRH2030 has developed a simple, standardized, client-centered tool to help program managers maximize the use of their health workforce for the rollout of “Test and Start” utilizing differentiated service delivery (DSD) models. The tool allows for task shifting/sharing,...

The adoption of “Test and Start” to accelerate the achievement of the 95-95-95 goals has increased the number of clients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). In many high HIV burden countries, this rapid increase requires the adoption of streamlined service delivery approaches to combat potential...

Updated April 2020: New tool version for rapid use and decision-making! Providing client-centered HIV care requires a strong, well-managed health workforce. In order to deliver effective HIV services—as well as to maintain essential HIV services during public health emergencies—it is important for health facilities, above-site...

Dr. Samson Kironde is a medical doctor and public health professional with more than 17 years of experience in strengthening health systems in developing countries, in particular to combat communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and childhood infections. His areas of expertise include...

For Indonesia, the 2018 World AIDS Day theme of “Know your Status” resonates strongly. This year, the Indonesian Ministry of Health launched the “Test and Treat” policy, guaranteeing that any Indonesian with a positive status can (and should) start immediately on antiretrovirals (ARV). The...

This post originally appeared on the Chemonics blog. How can the global health community better reach marginalized HIV-positive populations? A different approach to service delivery and care could help achieve epidemic control around the world. Erin Owens explains. Although the global health community is...

Kesaobaka Dikgole is a senior quality improvement advisor with HRH2030 in Botswana while also serving as a country representative for the University Research Co. (URC). She oversees the technical team to design, test, and evaluate care innovations to improve patient-centered HIV care as part...

After a decades-long effort, The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) recently recognized Botswana as one of 13 high-burden countries that have the potential to achieve HIV/AIDS epidemic control by 2020. To support the country’s efforts and sustain its successes, the HRH2030...

HRH2030, in partnership with USAID through PEPFAR, builds upon USAID ASSIST project success by supporting Botswana's Ministry of Health and Wellness to adapt existing models of HIV/AIDS care to ‘deliver differently,’ closing critical health systems gaps and strengthening client-centered care.