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In this case study, HRH2030 tested the global framework for youth employment in health to see how it could be applied to one country, Indonesia, under the guiding question: How can HRH2030’s framework for optimal partnerships and opportunities provide value for Indonesia? ...

This technical brief explores how TVETs could more effectively build and sustain young people on career paths in the health sector, using the HRH2030-developed Youth Employment in Health Framework ....

Over the past six years, HRH2030 has worked in more than 30 countries to bolster the health workforce, improve health outcomes, and advance health for all. We support health workers by implementing activities to enhance productivity and performance; number, skill mix, competencies, and quality;...

HRH2030 has been working with Indonesia’s BPPSDMK, the Board of Human Resources for Health Empowerment and Development, and USAID Indonesia over the last three years to develop a digital ecosystem of health workforce stakeholders and systems to improve the availability and quality of data...

This reference guide was developed to support new advisors seconded to NMCPs. It documents the long-term technical assistance (LTTA) program model as implemented through the HRH2030’s Capacity Building for Malaria activity, including sharing the frameworks, tools, and "institutional memory" of HRH2030-embedded advisors. ...

On January 26, 2021, HRH2030 convened a panel of experts to address this topic during a 90-minute webinar, “No Return to Normal: Ensuring an Optimized Health Workforce in the Post COVID-19 Recovery.” This event included presentations and a discussion from five panelists who shared...

In the Philippines, HRH2030 supported the Philippines Department of Health (DOH) to strengthen recruitment, deployment, development, retention, and performance management of the health workforce to improve access to quality tuberculosis, family planning , and maternal and child health services for vulnerable populations. ...

From October 27 to October 30, 2020, HRH2030 participated in the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference (EVAL20). HRH2030 presented two posters highlighting our work strengthening social services in Colombia and optimizing the HIV workforce in Indonesia....