Notice: Function WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly. The $l10n parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use the wp_add_inline_script() function instead. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.7.0.) in /home2/hrhtwoze/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6078

June 2019

Effective health worker supervision approaches and practices are essential elements that help compensate for shortfalls in HRH training, management, and efforts to improve quality of health services. Defined as “a broad set of supervisory interventions that improve provider performance through team-based learning approaches, including...

“Let’s make public health sexy again!” HRH2030 Philippines Project Director Dr. Marilyn Lorenzo brought laughs to the room on June 13, as we hosted our second annual “Voices from the Field” event at Chemonics headquarters in Washington, DC. Our focus for this external event...

Empowering women to advance in healthcare leadership promotes a better response to the health needs of an entire population. HRH2030’s research into women’s leadership roles in Jordan’s health sector brought forth several recommendations including the establishment of a women’s health leadership network—what became the...

On April 25, World Malaria Day 2019, the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in Guinea celebrated the launch of a national long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) distribution campaign in Fria prefecture, north of Conakry. The ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Health, and attended...

You're Invited! . June 13, 2019 | 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. EDT | Chemonics International, 1717 H Street NW, 1st Floor, Washington, DC . USAID is partnering with countries to build high-quality health systems that are accessible, accountable, affordable, and reliable. The provision of health services to...