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Skill mix and competency

On March 16, 2021, World Social Work Day, HRH2030 convened a panel of experts to share diverse perspectives on the topic, “Integrating the Health and Social Service Sectors to Achieve Health for All.” ...

In global health, gender competency enables health workers to identify how different norms, social constructs, roles, expectations, power differentials, opportunities, and constraints assigned to women, men, girls, and boys may influence behavior and choices. A gender-competent health worker strives to apply the needed knowledge,...

Accurately predicting the future supply of and demand for healthcare workers is essential if policymakers are to make smart investments in human resources for health (HRH) and efficiently allocate scarce funds. HRH planning models have become increasingly sophisticated over the past two decades, but...

On October 4, 2019, HRH2030 attended the 2019 Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit, collaborating with Johnson & Jonson to present a session, Identifying Win-win Partnerships for Youth Employment in Health: Experiences linking the future health workforce, educators, and employers....

“The Philippines just passed the Universal Health Care Act in February 2019, so now is a perfect time for the country to elevate the training of human resources for health beyond merely producing adequate numbers of practitioners,” says Dr. Marilyn Lorenzo, HRH2030 Philippines Project...

Global estimates reveal a growing disparity between supply and demand of health workers in the coming decade; a disproportion which will be highest in low-and middle-income countries. What can nations do to prepare for or even offset this imbalance? Can a country’s health workforce...

Empowering women to advance in healthcare leadership promotes a better response to the health needs of an entire population. HRH2030’s research into women’s leadership roles in Jordan’s health sector brought forth several recommendations including the establishment of a women’s health leadership network—what became the...

[caption id="attachment_34087" align="alignright" width="586"] Click to enlarge the Philippines Activity Conceptual Framework[/caption] In recent years, the Government of the Philippines has made landmark decisions to strengthen its health system. In 2012, the nation issued the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law to guarantee universal access to...