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gender Tag

In this technical brief, HRH2030 presents the lessons learned about strategies to increase women’s leadership in the health and care sector in Jordan, Senegal, and Madagascar. ...

The Human Resources for Health in 2030 Program has launched a new virtual e-Learning course program, Gender Competency for Family Planning Providers. Designed for health workers, policymakers, and program planners at ministries of health and their local partners, as well as others with a...

Over the past six years, HRH2030 has worked in more than 30 countries to bolster the health workforce, improve health outcomes, and advance health for all. We support health workers by implementing activities to enhance productivity and performance; number, skill mix, competencies, and quality;...

HRH2030 led a study that developed a sex-disaggregated leadership inventory to determine if female participation in leadership positions in the health and social services sectors increased after public or private sector institutions took specific measures or initiatives. The study also assessed the remaining gender...

In global health, gender competency enables health workers to identify how different norms, social constructs, roles, expectations, power differentials, opportunities, and constraints assigned to women, men, girls, and boys may influence behavior and choices. A gender-competent health worker strives to apply the needed knowledge,...